20 New Years Resolutions Ideas For Happiness And Success

New year new me.

We all say that, but most of us are not too sure of what to change. Although its always a good time to change and improve yourself, most people find it easier to promote themselves during the first month of the new year, so here are 20 new year’s resolution ideas for 2020.

If you like this idea and want to make it your new year’s resolution, be sure to learn more about how to achieve it from other resources since the explanations in this article are brief. Or you can start with our pre-formatted “Goal Planner”

1. Exercise more.

Exercise More

This is one of the most common new year’s resolutions people have. Starting a new exercise program isn’t that
hard, but the problem is sticking to it. One trick is to find one that best fits your needs, and it is easy to stick to in the long run. For example, if you like cardio and you want to lose weight, you might want to go with a program that includes some running in it.

2. Eat a cleaner diet.

eat healthy food

This is an extension of the first idea since exercise and diet go hand in hand. One of the easiest ways to follow through with this resolution is to eat less junk food and make more home-cooked meals. If you can’t make more home-cooked meals, go for healthier alternatives than junk food when you get food.

3. Start a new project.

start vlogging

We all have some projects we want to start, but we never get around to doing them. Maybe you wanted to start a Youtube channel or start coding up an app but never got around to it. Use the motivation you get from the new year to start working on your project. Don’t be discouraged if progress is slow, though. Remember, starting it is a significant first step.

4. Get more sleep.

pretty woman sleeping

A lot of people don’t get enough hours of sleep. You should have at least 7 hours of sleep per night to function optimally. Try turning off the electronics earlier to get more hours of sleep.

5. Learn new things.

woman reading

Learning shouldn’t stop when you get out of school. Set a goal to read a book a month or learn
a new skill a month. Learning new things can help make you more income, make you happier, and it is right for your brain. Pick exciting topics, and you won’t struggle to keep this resolution going.

6. Earn more income.

Earn more money

If billionaires are looking for ways to earn more money, we should be as well. Try getting that promotion or working on your side hustle or investing in the stock market. There are a lot of options out there to earn more money, so pick the one you would enjoy the most. Outsmart other people by managing your financial and budget with this comprehensive budget planner.

7. Save more money.

saving money

This is kind of an extension of the idea above since you will have more money if you save more. Stop buying things you don’t need, track where your money is going, and try going on a budget. You can use the saved money for a nice vacation or earn more income.

8. Stop procrastinating.

stop procrastinating

Procrastination stops us from getting what we want in life, and its a problem we all have to deal with. While you can’t permanently stop procrastination, try your best to avoid it as much as possible. There are a lot of resources out there from hacks to apps to help prevent procrastination, so use them; however, you see fit.

9. Meet new people.

meeting new people

Having a big network is never a bad thing. Knowing more people opens up more opportunities to have more fun and to grow your career. You can meet new people in a lot of places from fitness clubs, local events, and the internet. Make a goal to reach a certain amount of people per month and stick to it.

10. Tidy up and get rid of things you don’t need.


Decluttering your possessions is a simple but excellent resolution. Having too much clutter makes it hard to focus on the things you care about, so get rid of the things you don’t use and organize your life.

11. Work on getting rid of your addictions.

quit smoking addiction

If you are having problems since you are addicted to something, work on getting rid of the addiction. There are a lot of free and paid resources out there, so get the help you need.

12. Travel more.

woman travelling

Traveling and experiencing other cultures helps you open up your view of the world. You understand different perspectives better, which enables you to connect with people more. Traveling can be costly, so make sure your finances are in order. This pre-formatted travel journal to help you write down precious memories.

13. Learn how to cook.

learn to cook and bake

If you already know how to cook, learn how to make other dishes.
Cooking is an essential life skill everyone should know. It lets you make your food the way you want, helps you save money, and you can impress others with your dishes. As long as you keep striving to improve and avoid common mistakes, nothing will stop you from making a fabulous three-course meal.

14. Stop being late.

running late to work

Do you know that that friend who is always late? If you are that friend, you might realize people don’t like it. Punctuality is held in high regard in society since it shows you are professional and dependable. Leave the house a bit earlier and stop oversleeping to be on time.

15. Spend more time with people you care about the most.

spend time with beloved one

We all only have 24 hours in a day and not that much time in life. Stop wasting your time on people who bring you down and don’t care about you. Focus on people you care about and try to cut ties to those toxic friends. You will be happier by spending more time with people you care about and spending less time with those who bring you down.

16. Get a cute pet.

woman with terrier dog

A lot of my friends have been getting pets recently, and it had a positive impact on their lives. Studies have shown that having a pet can make you happier and give you a purpose. Understand the responsibility involved and try not to overthink things. Make sure you get a pet that suits your living conditions and lifestyle, though. This Pet Health Logbook to help you manage your pet well being.

17. Get a plant.

buying plants

If getting a pet is too much work, try taking care of a plant instead. Having a plant in your home can help you focus, and it cleans indoor air, which is beneficial. A plant is much more natural to take care of than a pet, and there are great benefits. Watching it grow is satisfying as well.

18. Try new things.


We often stay in our comfort zone because, well, it’s comfortable. Since its a new year, try to be more daring and try new things you never did before. Maybe you never tried skydiving and you would like to try it. Don’t let fear hold you back and go for it.

19. Catch up with some old friends.

catch up with old friends

Not everyone stays in the same place for long. During the new year, you are due for a catch up with some friends. You have to make an effort to catch up, or else the relationship will go away. Ideally, you want to meet up physically if it is possible, but catching up through social media is excellent.

20. Get a new hobby.

learn to paint

If you often find yourself bored over the weekend, you might want to pick up a new hobby. Find something to do that you find fun like drawing or painting and keep doing it. If you are good enough, you can turn a hobby into a side hustle or maybe even a career.

Are you making a new year’s resolution for

Leave a comment below and check out our 2020 goal planners collection here if you are interested 🙂

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